Laundry services are needed not only to make your life easier and wash your clothes more efficiently. People who trust them with the task of regularly washing their clothes and linens reduce the risk of mold and mildew on windows and walls. Those who prefer to wash at home and dry their laundry in the room face this problem much more often.
Health improvements with windows are an often overlooked benefit of maintaining proper window conditions and installation. Find out how mold can appear on windows and how you can protect your room from this huge challenge.
Main Causes of Mold on Windows
The cold season is the ideal time for mold to appear and multiply on windows. To protect themselves from the cold, people open windows less often and do not ventilate the room. As a result, the room becomes an ideal environment for mold to multiply in almost incubator conditions: warm and damp. If you regularly dry damp things in the room, the moisture evaporates and condenses on the windows. This is enough to provoke the spread of mold. And it is much more difficult to fight it than prevent its appearance.
What else can cause mold? If you regularly take your things to the laundry service and still have mold on your windows, consider other possible causes.
Thick Curtains and Drapes
The way your curtains and drapes are hung is not just a matter of interior design. In the warm season, the distance from the curtains to the window does not matter. But when the cold weather comes, this issue becomes critical. Some people think that the closer they place thick curtains to the window, the more they will protect them from the cold. As a result, they block the flow of warm air to the window, creating conditions for condensation to form.
Leaking Window Frame
If your frames are old, they may leak due to wear and tear and lack of timely minor repairs. But even new frames can leak if the window installers violate the technology of their installation. And while at first glance, it may seem that this problem is not critical, the appearance of mold will indicate the opposite. Therefore, as soon as you find a leak on the windows, you should try to fix it. And if you cannot achieve a positive result on your own, contact specialists so as not to leave the windows leaking. Using window replacement cost calculator, you can find that new windows can cost you less than regular mold control. This fungus is extremely tenacious and requires a comprehensive approach to completely eradicate it.
Incorrect Installation of Windows
There are several mistakes when installing windows that can lead to various adverse consequences, including the appearance of mold:
- Use of low-quality mounting foam for waterproofing of joints. Even if the foam was good, the violating waterproofing technology contributes to the appearance of local areas with dampness. And the mold follows it.
- The crooked installation of a double-glazed window contributes to the freezing of the frame in winter and the appearance of condensation.
- If the drainage holes intended for water drainage become clogged, this also leads to the impossibility of natural liquid outflow.
- There are many other technological violations, such as cracks in the connection, insufficient number of attachment points, etc. that can lead to the appearance of moisture.
In this case, you should contact a company that deals with window replacement and installation in Canada. The professional will be able to help eliminate all the shortcomings made during window installation. And then, you will be protected from potential mold problems, freezing windows, and condensation accumulation.
Effective Ways to Fight Mold on Windows
The fight against mold should begin as soon as you discover it. The hope that it will disappear with the warm season is in vain. During autumn, winter, and spring, it will only spread along the window sills and slopes and may even move to the walls. Therefore, the more intense your fight is from the beginning, the more likely it will bring a positive result. The mold control will be most effective if you combine several approaches to eliminating this dangerous fungus:
- Mechanical method. Use a scraper or a stiff brush to remove the black coating around the windows. Before you begin this operation, put on personal protective equipment and wet the mold colonies. In this case, its spores will not fly around the room, settling on the walls, floor, and ceiling.
- Ultraviolet irradiation with a UV lamp. The action of this lamp prevents the reproduction of the fungus, which means the colony will stop spreading. Follow safety precautions when using an ultraviolet lamp and ventilate the room after its usage. You can also choose a quartz lamp as an alternative.
- Fungicide solution. The market offers many chemicals to combat fungi and mold as one of their varieties. This method requires long-term use since the mold-affected surface will need to be covered with the solution at least 5-6 times. After each application, wait until the surface is completely dry, and only then apply the fungicide again.
- Heat treatment. If you have a heat gun in your home workshop, you can fight mold with it. Direct a stream of hot air at the black spots on a window to deprive them of a favorable environment. If you don’t have a heat gun, use a household one.
The Bottom Line
The best prevention of mold on windows is regular ventilation of the room, exhaust fan, and humidity control. Give up habits that increase humidity. For example, do not dry wet things in the room but take clothes and bed linen to the laundry services. Cover pots with lids when cooking in the kitchen. Refrain from using vapes or hookahs, etc.
If the cause of mold is not in your household activity but in improper installation of windows, eliminate the shortcomings. You may not even need to replace the windows completely if the problem is minor. If it can be solved with additional waterproofing, cleaning drainage holes, etc., specialists will effectively do this work. One small solution from professionals can easily save you from problems that others struggle with for a long time.
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