Sustainable Roofing Choices for Lafayette Homes: Eco-Friendly Options | the ReFab Diaries

Lately, homeowners have been looking for a greener solution to their roofing needs. This is a noble idea that does both you and Mother Nature a solid. By considering sustainable roofing selections for your home, you're making an environmentally conscious choice. If you are one of these eco-conscious homeowners and are roof shopping, sit down with a company of roofing contractors, to see what sustainable roofing material would be the best fit for you. 

Sustainable roofing selections abound. In this guide, we will present for your consideration a couple of options!

Eco-Friendly Roofing Materials

A great place to start an eco-friendly roof hunt is a roof made from recycled material or metal. Did you know you could get a roof made from milk cartons and old tires? Not only does this make a pretty solid roof it also cuts down on landfill waste!

Metal roofing doesn’t sound green. The first thing that comes to mind is: It’s noisy and can rust over time. But a metal roof is truly green. It’s tough, energy-efficient, and built to last a lifetime (twice!). Metal roofs retain their color, naturally reflect the heat of the sun, and keep the house and monthly bills cool. But the environmentally friendly kicker? You know where a metal roof goes when the time comes - the recycling bin.

Green Roofs: Bringing Nature Home

This is exactly what it sounds like - a green roof. This is a roof that essentially doubles as a garden – with a bucketload of vegetation growing on top of it! Now you may think it sounds aesthetically like the dream but also like a leaky mess, but it is not. It is built with a natural drainage, irrigation, and root barrier system. And it also keeps your house nice and cool, really helping you out in that Lafayette heat!

Solar Roofing: Harnessing the Power of the Sun

This type of roof is environmentally friendly (generates electricity from sun energy) and can be added to the roof to power your home. It’s one roof type that’s a financial green light, too!

Cool Roofs: Reflecting Heat Efficiently

A cool roof is actually in a literal sense cool. It is designed to reflect more sunlight and absorb less heat than a standard roof. How? Cool roofs are available in highly reflective types of shingles, tiles, or paint.

Using a cool roof can save 10-15% of energy since they reflect more sunlight and absorb less heat than standard roofs. Between these roofs and the power of the sun, your roof is your best friend in cutting your energy use.

Choosing the Right Company of Roofing Contractors

Because green roofing is, well, still green in the roofing market, it is super important to get the right company of roofers to install and maintain your roofing. Take Honest Abe roofing. They have been in the game for a while now and are very well-versed with green roofing. They will install your roofing, help you maintain it, and throw in some warranties for good measure.

Going Green With Your Roof 

Going green with your roofing isn’t something that just helps the world. It can help you too. A lot, too. Especially if you live in a place like Lafayette, where the weather can take your wallet for quite the ride. So, help out yourself and Mother Earth. Go with green roofing!

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