Top 10 Global Factories That Have a Detrimental Effect on the Environment | the ReFab Diaries

Environmental concerns aren't new. Yet, in spite of the huge number of people fighting to preserve and conserve the environment, it seems to be an unresolvable issue. The consequences of environmental problems are even taught in school to ensure that more people will be aware of how to take care of the planet. 

Students are even asked to write an essay about it. Those who do not have the time to accomplish all schoolwork can get help from apps and websites that offer essay and paperwork assistance. Students can get help with their paperwork from the websites that write essays for you. Moreover, such services can help with picking the right topic for college assignments. The topics can vary from the environment, history to healthcare. The main thing is to pick a reliable helper and avoid the ones like 

This goes to show that individuals of various age groups can all do their part to protect the environment. However, some industries and actions have truly detrimental effects on the environment. No matter how hard people try to avoid these, they still exist because many benefit from them. One perfect example is the presence of global factories. Everyone knows that, though not all, many factories use chemicals, machines, and procedures that can have harmful effects on the environment. And the list of global factories that are not environment-friendly remains long up to this day.

Global Factories that Give Off Harmful Environmental Effects

Metal Mining

This is among the most toxic global manufacturing processes in the world. It uses zinc and lead compounds which can create harmful effects when mixed with water and air. This industry releases the most amount of toxins annually but we all love our phones, our cars, and our water pipes. 


During the manufacturing process of chemicals, a huge percentage of waste and toxins are produced. Chemical factories are the top contributor to toxic wastes in many countries around the globe.


While reliance on clean energy sources is on the rise, to produce electricity, coal and oil are still needed in most parts of the world. This process emits harmful gas into the air and pollutes it. The excessive use of coal is also detrimental to the world's tree population. This global factory does not help at all in preserving and caring for the environment.

Metal Industry

The production of primary metals like steel gives produces toxins that can be detrimental to the environment once carelessly disposed of. The toxins produced from this industry remain high despite the improvements in the procedures and machines being used.

Paper Production

Everyone knows paper comes from trees. Cutting down hundreds of tons of trees to produce paper is obviously awful for the environment. Forests go bald with the excessive cutting of trees. Aside from this, the procedure to make paper releases air pollutants like oxide, dioxin, carbon monoxide, and sulfur oxide. 

Oil and Petroleum 

This industry is among the most toxic in the world. Everyone knows how damaging it is to the environment every time oil and petroleum are produced. Sadly, this is an essential element in the daily lives of most people which is why these factories still exist. 


The presence of plastic alone is not good for the environment as it is non-biodegradable. This means that plastics thrown into the ground or sea can stay there forever and pollute the environment. It does not reduce waste but even increases it. 

Wood Production

The entire process of wood production releases toxins and harm to the environment. Logging decreases the trees that release life-suppoting oxygen into the air. Once the wood is logged, it will be cut and transported. These processes release harmful toxins to the air as it uses machines and trucks.

Transportation Equipment

The gas that vehicles emit is already toxic to the air. But aside from that, the manufacturing of the equipment for it is also toxic. It uses machines and materials that are not good for the environment. 

Fabricated Metal

Just like primary metals, the production of fabricated metals to make daily household tools like knives, spoons, forks, and others can also have detrimental effects on the environment. 

The existence of these global factories is known to be harmful to the environment because of their procedures and the materials they use. However, because these factories produce things that people use daily, they cannot be stopped. Also, the employment they provide to millions of people is what keeps these factories in existence. The products that come from these factories may be useful for many people, but the procedures and materials used can easily pollute the air, water or soil. With this, factory owners and operators need to make changes in their operations so factories can lessen the harmful effects they can bring to the environment. 

The harmful effects that the environment has suffered care of factories, harmful materials, and people’s actions are already felt and seen. Sadly, the efforts so far to stop it won't be enough to preserve the environment. We need more people and a lot more awareness to return the environment to its healthiest form again. And when this happens, future generations will once again have a bountiful environment to enjoy and savor. 

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