5 Simple Tips to Create an Eco-Friendly Backyard | the ReFab Diaries
The urgency to protect the environment is at an all-time high, and this initiative can begin in your very own green-oriented backyard. By infusing your landscaping with eco-friendly design and maintenance, you're not just playing a part in environmental conservation, but also cultivating a gorgeous, welcoming outdoor space that's easy to upkeep. 

Apply the following tips to your backyard planning and before long, you'll be basking in the simplicity of a low-maintenance yard that, coincidentally, aids in making the planet slightly more verdant.

Opt for Energy-efficient Outdoor Lights

Lighting up your outdoor space is more than just practical; it's part of the magic. A whole universe of green-friendly lighting options is just waiting to be explored. Those old-school outdoor lights can be real energy guzzlers. Switch to more planet-loving alternatives like low-voltage spotlights, or solar lights.

Not only are these eco-warriors kinder to Mother Nature, but they're also a surefire way to keep your energy bills in check. Take solar lights, for example. They soak up the sun during the day and then twinkle all night; no electricity or batteries are needed.

Construct a Compost Pile

Composting is the best way to reduce food and yard waste and create high-quality fertilizer. All you need to start a compost pile is some soil and a warm spot. You can choose to have a compost pile in an open area, or if you're conscious about visual appeal, you can opt for a bin. Compost bins are economical and available in various styles to harmonize with your existing decor.

A compost pile can accommodate a wide array of items. Whether it's vegetable scraps and eggshells or newspapers and grass trimmings, anything that decomposes quickly is perfect for composting.  These kinds of materials will draw beneficial insects, which then convert the waste into nutrient-rich compost. It typically takes a compost pile between six to nine months to generate usable fertilizer.

Go Electric 

In recent times, there have been significant advancements in electric technology. These days, traditional gas-operated garden tools and machinery can be substituted with equipment powered by electricity. This includes lawnmowers, chainsaws, hedge trimmers, weed whips, and more. The adoption of electrically powered tools significantly diminishes the usage of fossil fuels, thereby mitigating both air and noise pollution.

Saving Water Resources

Watering your garden just before a significant rainfall can be quite frustrating. Regularly checking the weather forecast is a straightforward way to save water. By making this a routine, you can anticipate incoming rain and avoid unnecessary watering.

Storms also present an opportunity to use rain barrels, an efficient and eco-friendly method of conserving water in your garden. A bonus of using rain barrels is that the collected rainwater is pure, unlike tap water which often contains treatment chemicals such as chlorine. Other sustainable water conservation strategies include opting for an irrigation system over a sprinkler and mulching your garden to provide a protective layer.

Welcome the Birds

Birds are also advantageous wildlife you'd want to have in your garden. Birds can be a gardener's closest ally, functioning as an entirely organic pest control method. They safeguard your garden from destructive pests like grubs, caterpillars, slugs, snails, and others that could threaten your cherished plants. Putting up bird feeders or nesting boxes will draw more birds to consider your yard as their habitat.


Backyards that embrace a natural and holistic approach not only safeguard our environment but also help in saving money. Moreover, once established, they require minimal upkeep. By adhering to these five guidelines, you'll soon have an effortlessly maintainable, stunning backyard. This will afford you the leisure to unwind in your hammock, content in the knowledge that you've contributed to a greener planet.

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