ReFabbed Art - shop upcycled art! | the ReFab Diaries
After 10 years of sharing upcycling tutorials, I'm excited to offer some of my own upcycled and original art! If you've been following me for a while, you won't be surprised to see that (almost) all my art involves upcycling books in some way - their covers or their pages. No book folds, but the big round up of DIY book-folding ideas is still around for you.

upcycled book art

You'll find a range of hanging bud vases, crafted using beautiful antique book covers and salvaged glass test tubes (from a set recently unearthed in Iowa!). I also have a few book clocks for sale along with original art, some of it on paper, some on vintage book covers.

Because I am launching this store 10 days before Earth Day, I've committed to donating 10% of my profits to TreeSisters, a global network of women funding the restoration of tropical forests.

Take a look at what's for sale!

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  1. Any craft to recycle18" x 6" plastic bags? I get 1 every day with my newspaper.

  2. Hi Terry - apologies for the delay in getting back to you! There's not a lot to be done with plastic film besides creating fusing a whole lot of it together to make another plastic item. Like this:


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