Book-page, origami Valentines | the ReFab Diaries
Valentine's Day is just around the corner and, if you have children in elementary school in US, you might be like us: on the hook to produce 15-20 kid-friendly Valentines for the students in your child's class. And all their teachers. And the coach.... and, and, and. In short, it's either a daunting task to make a "batch" or an expensive shopping trip to buy things that will probably be thrown out.

Oh, and we generally leave it until the last minute because, who doesn't?

Also, our school district added a twist this year by banning candy - no candy at school for any reason. In general, I'm in favor of this ban. But, you know..... it doesn't make the Valentine thing easier.

Anyway, while eating breakfast on Sunday morning, my daughter suddenly decided to make origami hearts for everyone - she just needed interesting paper. I was delighted by her initiative and offered up the idea of painting book pages. She wasn't sure what I meant but agreed enthusiastically.

We completed the whole project in under two hours so I'm sharing it. Because I hope this idea will save some poor parent out there who realizes - the night before - that 15 Valentine's have to materialize by 8am the next day.

Scroll down for instructions and a 50 second how-to video

I made a book-clock for a friend last Christmas - these are the pages I removed from the book. To make these little hearts, I used watered-down acrylic - it dries in a few mins. And yes, it did look a little like a Valentine massacre had taken place.

Before you can start folding, you need to make your sheet of paper square, so fold it as above. See the rest of the steps (and our video instructions!) below.

With any sort of paper folding, it's often easier to watch someone do it. So we made you a short video.

Happy Valentine's Day to all of you! 

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