I love the steampunk / trashion punk aesthetic. I'll be heading to Cape Town in March and at the top of my to-visit list is Truth Coffee, where steampunk is not just about decorating but has, in fact, inspired a built-from-scratch "coffee bean contraption". Because of its appeal, I've spent quite a lot of time looking around for jewelry DIYs. They're hard to find. But here's a small collection for you, inspired my February sponsor, Sleepless Storyteller.
1. A great trashion punk starter tutorial put together by Christine Hart. Christine creates the jewelry you'll find at Sleepless Storyteller (like the pendant I'm holding in the image above). But she also runs an Etsy store called Beyond Junk where you can buy, amongst other things, the quartz movements used to make the earrings in this tutorial.
2. Fun geared pendant care of the ModCloth blog. Take a few old watches and clocks apart to find pieces like this. Or head to Etsy or eBay and search "steampunk" to find what you need.
3. More gears. This is the second time I'm featuring this DIY. Again, there are lots of independent sellers online that can supply you with the pieces you need.
4. Finally, my attempt at a steampunk pendant. I loved taking the old watch apart to create a "key to a steampunk heart".
and for the boys ... because they like steampunk too! Make whimsical buttonholes and cufflinks with this lovely tutorial care of Polka Dot Made.
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