Remember the eyelidcanvas feature and giveaway? Well, the amazing Kim just did a little repurposing for me and it's glorious. Right???? I bought the little copper leaf earrings at the One of Kind show a few years ago and have hardly warn them. Why? Because they looked odd on me. So they've sat around taunting me. I never stopped thinking they were beautiful. But I was also not wearing them and that felt like a huge waste. I'm betting that many of you know exactly what this feels like!
So I showed them to Kim and asked her if she could turn them into something I WOULD actually wear. And she did. And I'm still trying to process how beautiful it is! Like something steampunk tinker fairies might make :)
Kim is a makeover master. Pictured above is the necklace she created for her friend Gina, using a ring Gina had inherited. Like me, Gina had reasons to love the ring but wasn't wearing it because it wasn't really her style. So Kim created a necklace that not only repurposes the ring, but also keeps it completely in tact. Just in case Gina changes her mind one day!
Have any of you had jewelry refabbed in some way?
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