Back-to-school advertising is now in full swing in my part of the world. So school supplies are on display in the way that makes kids cringe. Tonight I found myself contemplating colored pencils. Ummm... maybe because I loved them when I was a "tween" (which was a long time before that silly word made its appearance). Anyway, this is the beginning of what will no doubt be a much bigger round-up of projects using pencils. First, as pictured above, the amazing Pencil Chimes created by Vanessa Boer. Not a DIY but something I spotted on Etsy and had to feature because they're too cool for ... !!! :)
Created by the amazing Kate behind Mini Eco, these pencil bead tutorials cover techniques that would also be useful for creating other things ... like the chimes above.
A different, more grown up twist on the "pencil jewelry" idea by Karolin Felix. Via ecouterre
Push a pencil stub through a washer and voila ... a spinning top that draws! Spotted here
This looks like a lot of work but Instructables makes it happen
A pencil vase for the teacher? Instructions here
Same idea but a little more colorful... Instructions at Kaboose
Not repurposing pencils. But this idea for storing them is smart and simple. And the colorful display in this picture made it irresistible. Via Recycleart
Okay, now I want a set of pencil earrings so that whenever I need to make a note and can't find my pen, I'll just take out my earring and jot away!